
Standard Logo

(Not intended for use by grantees. Grantees should use the Supported by the Federation logo, located at the bottom of this page.)


Black and White:

Sample (Use download version for larger dimensions):

JCFEF Horizontal Logo


Supported by the Federation Logo (for grantees)

The Federation's ability to fund important programs like yours depends upon ongoing support from the community. As such, grantees are required to acknowledge that the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has provided financial support for your project or organization on all promotional materials connected to the work that this grant supports. 

The Federation requires use of its “Supported by The Federation” logo on all print and e-communications – including press releases, programs, announcements, invitations, news stories, annual reports, and newsletters. 

If possible, we also encourage inclusion of the following text in your materials: "Supported by the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund.


 Black and White:

Sample (Use download version for larger dimensions):

JCEF Beneficiary Agency Logo


Grantees are encouraged to share information about their grant, its impact, and their partnership with the Federation.
That includes posting and re-posting related announcements and articles within your print and digital distribution channels (e.g. website, directed emails, e-newsletters, print collateral, and tagging @Jewishfed on social media) in order to notify and keep your constituents informed.


Having issues downloading our logo? Email Glen So or call 415.512.6281.