Clone of Volunteer Application (save old questions)

Thank you for participating in a day of volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in Santa Rosa. We will be helping to rebuild near the decimated Coffey Park neighborhood, which was decimated during the North Bay wildfires. This day of service comes during the season of the Jewish New Year when tikkun olam, repairing of the world, has even deeper meaning. 


  1. Complete the electronic Volunteer Application below, and indicate on which date you are participating. You will receive an email confirmation with details of the day and what to bring. 
  2. Please read the Safety Guidelines. Print the last page, sign it, and bring only the last page with you on your day of service.
  3. Fill out the Volunteer Liability form. Print the last page, sign it, and bring this document with you on your day of service. 

If you are under the age of 18, download the following form, have a parent or guardian sign it and bring with you on your day of service.

*Required fields

Volunteer Details

Contact Info


Volunteer Profile

(Although these questions are not required fields, it provides Habitat for Humanity additional information for future volunteer opportunities)


Medical Information


Emergency Contact

Volunteer Release

By entering your name below you confirm consent to the Volunteer Waiver of Liability